API Discovery and Security
IT Managers

With an ever-increasing number of exposed APIs, getting them under control has never been so crucial. With Escape, you can transform your API management and gain full control and visibility in minutes. 
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Trusted by 2000+ security teams all over the world

The number of undocumented APIs is constantly growing, creating hidden risks

Exponential Growth of Exposed APIs

With the rapid increase in exposed APIs, IT teams often struggle to maintain visibility and control, especially as developers release updates daily. IT managers face a tough choice: they want to avoid slowing down developer productivity but are forced to compromise on their own control and oversight.

Shadow IT is omnipresent

Shadow IT is a major challenge for organizations. Unauthorized or unmanaged APIs can create serious security risks and compliance issues. On top of that, dealing with these rogue APIs puts even more pressure on already overburdened IT teams.

Keeping API versions up-to-date and reducing duplicates is a struggle

Keeping track of countless API versions and handling duplicates can feel like an impossible task. IT managers struggle to maintain control, ensure consistency, and meet compliance requirements amid these mounting challenges.

Streamline your API Management with Escape

Secure, govern, and monitor all your API endpoints in minutes. No traffic monitoring, no agents or complex configurations required.

Get real-time visibility in minutes

Discover and catalog all your APIs in a single click. Escape offers real-time visibility and keeps your API documentation up-to-date without manual effort.

Simplify and centralize API Management

Gain control over Shadow IT and manage all APIs from a single platform. Escape helps reduce security risks and ensures you can oversee updates without slowing down your development teams.

Automate Compliance Monitoring

Ensure your APIs meet industry standards and regulatory requirements effortlessly. Escape provides comprehensive compliance matrices and reports to keep you on track.
Our top priority was to achieve complete visibility and conduct detailed, valuable analysis. That’s exactly what the product delivers.
Claude-Alain Sabatier
Director of IT Governance and Security
Learn more

Key features

Automated in-depth observability of exposed APIs

Managing and mitigating the risk of shadow and outdated technology is a top barrier for organizational security. IT teams can leverage Escape's deep coverage and unified view to automatically:
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Identify and manage Legacy, Zombie and Shadow APIs
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Depreciate unused and duplicate assets
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Locate API services with business-critical vulnerabilities and their code owners
api inventory feature
api security at scale

Zero setup time and maintenance

No need for complex integrations, manual uploads, or separate API documentation. Escape provides instant API and schema discovery with zero setup time and no need to access API traffic data.

API specifications are automatically updated—either directly or via Git integration—allowing development teams to focus on higher-value tasks rather than maintaining documentation.

Seamless compliance

Escape provides a comprehensive Compliance Matrix for all applications, enabling effortless compliance with regulations such as PCI-DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, and more. You can also access downloadable compliance and penetration testing reports to avoid regulatory fines and prevent reputational damage resulting from incidents.
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Full visibility across all applications
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Detailed reporting
Example of compliance report

Take control of your APIs now

Follow the example of your peers, get full visibility into your APIs in minutes and ensure compliance with security regulations, easier and faster than ever before.