API Discovery and Security
for Financial Services

With an ever-increasing number of exposed APIs, getting them under control has never been so crucial. With Escape, you can gain full visibility in minutes, protect sensitive customer data and meet PCI compliance at scale.
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Trusted by financial services companies all over the world

The number of undocumented APIs is constantly growing, creating hidden risks

Exponential growth of exposed APIs

With the rapid increase in exposed APIs, IT and security teams often struggle to maintain visibility and control. You can't secure what you can't see, and unmanaged APIs can create serious security risks and compliance issues.

Waiting for traffic-based solutions to deploy might lead to extended exposure of your attack surface.

Sensitive data exposure is constantly at risk

A financial organization's worst nightmare is the loss or compromise of sensitive data.

While APIs enhance communication and integration between applications, they also introduce additional data security challenges. Many organizations find themselves unprepared to effectively address these challenges, putting sensitive information at risk.

Growing compliance requirements

Compliance requirements are expanding rapidly, with frameworks like PCI-DSS 4.0 imposing stricter regulations on financial services organizations.

Many security teams find themselves understaffed and overwhelmed, struggling to keep up with the increasing demands.

Gain full visibility and protect customer data in minutes

Escape delivers instant value. Secure, govern, and monitor all your API endpoints without intervention from development teams.

Discover and catalog all your APIs in a single click

Escape provides instant, in-depth visibility and control over your APIs, eliminating the delays and gaps caused by traditional traffic-based solutions.

This rapid deployment ensures you can focus on securing all your APIs immediately, even those outside API gateways, WAFs, or proxies.

Prioritize and remove risk

Escape simplifies risk management by automatically prioritizing vulnerabilities based on their business impact. This approach helps your team focus on the most critical issues first, and you can oversee updates without slowing down your development teams.

Effortlessly meet PCI compliance

Continuously ensure your APIs meet PCI-DSS requirements and generate compliance reports with a single click for your auditors. Escape simplifies compliance management, helping you maintain regulatory standards and avoid potential fines with ease.
Lightspeed chose Escape to get complete security observability, achieve compliance with worldwide security standards, and help developers fix issues quickly.
Pierre Charbel
Product Security Engineer
Learn more

Key features

Build comprehensive API inventory in minutes

Escape ensures instant deployment without access to your customer data. With no need for manual configuration, agent installation or traffic monitoring, within minutes you can identify which APIs are the most vulnerable and accessible to threat actors - even outside API gateways, WAFs or proxies.

You can leverage Escape's deep coverage and unified view to automatically:
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Identify and manage Legacy, Zombie and Shadow APIs
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Depreciate unused and duplicate assets
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Locate API services with business-critical vulnerabilities and their code owners
api inventory feature
api security at scale

Proactively uncover risks and remediate them with ease

Escape’s prioritization funnel helps you zoom in on the most critical vulnerabilities by providing the business context you need.

It also streamlines the remediation process: identify the right code owners for urgent issues and speed up fixes with customized code snippets that fit your technology stack.

Continuous compliance monitoring

Escape provides a comprehensive Compliance Matrix for all applications, enabling effortless compliance with PCI-DSS regulations. You can also access downloadable compliance and penetration testing reports to avoid regulatory fines and prevent reputational damage resulting from incidents.
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Full visibility across all applications
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Detailed reporting

Take control of your APIs now

Follow the example of your peers, get full visibility into your attack surface in minutes and ensure compliance with security regulations, easier and faster than ever before.