API Discovery and Security
for Tech Companies

Get full visibility into business-critical vulnerabilities without slowing down your development team. Escape delivers robust API security in minutes, eliminating complex deployments, coverage gaps, and alert fatigue.
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Trusted by tech companies all over the world

Tired of inefficient API security testing?

Traditional API security scanners are difficult to deploy and configure, do not support modern API types like GraphQL, and are not designed for fast-paced development teams.

If your APIs aren't visible, they're vulnerable

Resource-heavy traffic-based solutions typically result in long deployment times and partial coverage of assets. If you can't see all your APIs, you can't secure them.

As your developers rapidly create and deploy new APIs, the attack surface expands, increasing your vulnerability to threats. You don't have to wait until it's too late.

Too many alerts, too little context

An overwhelming number of alerts with insufficient context lead to alert fatigue.

Teams struggle to sort through the noise, which makes it easy to overlook critical vulnerabilities. This leaves your APIs exposed and increases the risk of attacks.

Rapid innovation requires modern solutions

Legacy solutions struggle to support modern API types like GraphQL, making it hard to secure all facets of your tech stack.

And without clear, actionable remediation, and with frequent false positives, it becomes difficult to engage developers effectively. This strain on relationships means issues continue to be unresolved.


Agentless API security deployed in minutes

Escape delivers instant value. Secure, test, and monitor all your API endpoints without agents - avoiding gaps in coverage, prioritizing vulnerabilities critical to your business and fixing them efficiently

Discover and test APIs instantly

Escape provides instant, in-depth visibility and control over your APIs, eliminating the delays and gaps caused by traditional traffic-based solutions.

This rapid deployment ensures you can focus on securing all your APIs immediately, even those outside API gateways, WAFs, or proxies.

Ensure real-time scan accuracy

Our automated schema generation ensures that scan configurations are always up-to-date as your APIs evolve or new endpoints are added. This keeps your scans accurate without manual intervention, and not only saves time and effort for both security and development teams but also enables development teams to redirect their focus towards higher-value tasks.

Focus on alerts that matter the most and accelerate vulnerability fixes

Escape helps you to prioritize the most critical vulnerabilities and provides actionable remediation code snippets that help developers fix them quickly. Work smarter, not harder, by leveraging these detailed snippets to automatically assign issues to the appropriate teams.
Escape - is the only security scanner for GraphQL that is engine aware and developer friendly.
Aleksandr Krasnov
Staff Security Engineer
Learn more

Key features

Build comprehensive API inventory

Escape ensures instant deployment without access to your customer data. With no need for manual configuration, agent installation or traffic monitoring, within minutes you can identify which APIs are the most vulnerable and accessible to threat actors - even outside API gateways, WAFs or proxies.

You can leverage Escape's deep coverage and unified view to automatically:
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Identify and manage Legacy, Zombie and Shadow APIs
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Depreciate unused and duplicate assets
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Locate API services with business-critical vulnerabilities and their code owners
api inventory feature
api security at scale

Prioritize critical technology services issues with context-aware security alerting

Escape’s prioritization funnel helps you zoom in on the most critical vulnerabilities by providing the business context you need.

It also streamlines the remediation process: identify the right code owners for urgent issues and speed up fixes with customized code snippets that fit your technology stack.

Effortlessly achieve compliance and regulation requirements

Escape provides a comprehensive Compliance Matrix for all applications, enabling effortless compliance with PCI-DSS regulations. You can also access downloadable compliance and penetration testing reports to avoid regulatory fines and prevent reputational damage resulting from incidents.
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Full visibility across all applications
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Detailed reporting
api security at scale

Remediate faster

With actionable remediation code snippets for each security alert, integrate Escape seamlessly with your CI/CD pipeline and ticketing systems, empowering developers to embed security into your SDLC and streamline the adoption of security best practices.

Tailor your security checks

Effortlessly write and integrate custom checks to automate security tests tailored to your APIs.You can send custom requests to any URLs within your organization. This feature is particularly useful for running static security assessments on your web applications, identifying regression bugs, or investigating specialized in-house security concerns.
example of code for custom security checks

Take control of your APIs now

Follow the example of your peers, get full visibility into your APIs in minutes and start fixing business-critical vulnerabiliites, easier and faster than ever before.