Combat SQL Injections

A SQL injection is a common attack vector that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL queries on a database. This can be used to steal data, modify data, or even execute arbitrary code on the database server. This lesson focuses on a privilege escalation attack leveraging a SQL injection.

This lesson comes with a GraphQL server offering a login and registration service. To start the server, run the following command:

  • Install the dependencies with npm install
  • Start the server with npm start. The server will start in development mode: it will restart automatically when you make changes to the code and the database will be reset at each restart.

A GraphQL IDE should open, allowing you to query the server.

The vulnerability

The server offers a query, users, allowing to retrieve the list of users, and two mutations, login and register, allowing to authenticate and register new users.

Try creating an account with the following credentials:

mutation {
  register(email: "", password: "password1")

You can see that the user has been created by querying the list of users:

query {
  users {

And you can authenticate with the following mutation:

mutation {
  login(email: "", password: "password1") {

Our goal is to exploit the register mutation to create an administrator account. The code behind the register mutation is the following:
  `INSERT INTO users (email, password, admin) VALUES ('${email}', '${password}', 0)`,
  (err) => {
    // ...

If you look closely, you can see that the email and password are directly injected into the SQL query. This is a SQL injection vulnerability. We can exploit it by including a string terminator ' in the email, and then arbitrary SQL. For instance, registering with the following credentials:

mutation {
    #                      v We include a string terminator in the email
    email: "', '$argon2id$v=19$m=1024,t=1,p=1$Q3FMVVlaNlNjc1dIZWlQcg$p8om9rk2ef3+uzO8Hg0Gwhnx1+1vIll2qDiiWBACrUw', 1); --"
    #                          ^ We provide a password hash compatible with the server                                            ^
    #                                                                                                  We set the admin flag to 1 |
    password: "password1"

The resulting query will be: (with added newlines for readability)

INSERT INTO users (email, password, admin)
); --', '$argon2id$v=19$m=1024,t=1,p=1$T1p2cTlBa0lmVg$kaoMvhUXvLxKXisdaky0kGZU2hoKD5tncvkKQkANagU', 0)

You can see our malicious payload completely overriding the initial query. The -- at the end of the query is a comment, allowing the resulting SQL to be valid. The comment contains the rest of the query, ', '${password}', 0) in the JavaScript code above.

We can query the list of users again to see if our malicious account has been created:

query {
  users {

It worked! We can now authenticate with our new account:

mutation {
  login(email: "", password: "password1") {

Preventing SQL injections

There are many ways to prevent SQL injections. Most modern ORMs and database libraries will automatically escape the values you provide to prevent SQL injections. We use sqlite3 in this lesson, and it does feature an escaping mechanism: we use the ? placeholder to escape the values we provide to the query, and provide the values separately as an array.

Replace the database functions in src/database.js with the following:

export const createUser = async (email, password) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // Use the ? placeholder to escape the values
      'INSERT INTO users (email, password, admin) VALUES (?, ?, 0)',
      // Provide the values as an array
      [email, password],
      (err) => {
        if (err) reject(err);
        else resolve(undefined);

export const getUserByEmail = async (email) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Same here
    db.all('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?', [email], (err, rows) => {
      if (err) reject(err);
      else resolve(rows[0]);

You can retry the attack, but this time it won’t work: our server is now safe from SQL injections! It, however still lacks proper validation mechanisms for the email, allowing us to register with an invalid email address, but this is the subject of another lesson.

Well done!

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